Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Homeless and the Homey



David Archuleta and weird alien both posted on their video blogs that they're gonna have a concert together in Manila. Don't you find it interesting that although they're both finalists of American Idol, Cook looks like a homeless bum while Archie looks like a glamorous superstar? Looks like age is catching up to somebody... Life of an American Idol winner not treating you well, Cook? Well living the life of someone else is never kind, dah-ling.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Archie fans start boo-ing Cook during the concert. But you gotta appauld Cook for his bravery for daring to appear on the same stage as the obvious true winner of American Idol. Either that or he's really stupid for furthur emphasizing the point that he's a little too not good enough.

Hope Archie has a tour in Singapore! And Cook, I promise never to say something bad about you again if you don't tag along.

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