Monday, January 25, 2010

The Aftermath

You could never seem to grasp the concept
But each time you let yourself be swept
Off your feet, you've taken another plunge
An attitude you'll never expunge
The possibility of a new romance
Quells your fears as he makes his advance
So convinced, are you, that nothing happens by chance
Willingly submits to another hypnotic trance

He comes along, exuding charm and sophistication
You're sure his perfect image is not of your own creation
Embracing how he sets your heart a-flutter
Just his voice can melt you like hot butter
Warning bells are so easy to ignore
All else can wait, right now he's yours to adore
Love is really more deaf than blind
As unrealistic fantasy and expectations intertwine

The nagging suspicion it's falling apart
Creeps upon you like a creature of the dark
Rational thought gives way to conflicting emotion
Back and forth rallies brings your judgment into question
When asked 'what's wrong', the topic he circumvents
Communication breaks down; each text received is a major event
Emotions boil over while you wait by the phone
Not once in those five days did you not miss his cologne

The outstanding feeling was of confusion, not depression
Struggling through a swamp of mixed signals and misdirection
Repeated replaying every moment in your head
Trying to pinpoint what you should have done instead
More than once, you caught yourself pondering
If you were more attractive, would the outcome be more satisfying

Then came the usual phase of allocating blame
It falls on you, for thoughtlessly buying what he proclaimed

Words that meant, not the world, but a hell lot
Once sweet like honey, now you're force-fed distraught
He didn't set off with malicious intent
But his reluctance to commit cemented your torment
Whirlwind of europhia comes to a dead standstill
Where you felt fiery passion now holds an icy chill
But as surely as waves would crash upon a shore
A spark of hope would ignite sometime, once more

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Wonder of the Buffalo

This is probably the most awe-inspiring thing that I have ever learned bout the English language. Apart from the 72 uses of the word 'fuck', that is. The sentence:

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

is a grammatically correct sentence, due to the fact that buffalo can be used as a noun, adjective and a verb. Incredible, isn't it. Now let's break it down.

Buffalo is a city in New York, as well as the term for the bison-like animal, and is also a verb that means 'to intimidate'. Buffalo, when used as the city, is colored red, when used as the animal is colored brown, and when used as the verb is colored blue.

'Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo' basically means, some bison from Buffalo, that other bison from Buffalo are intimidating, is also intimidating the other bison from Buffalo at the same time.

Now you might be saying to yourself, "Now wait a minute! Shouldn't the animals be 'buffaloes' in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct?" If that is the case, you should be replying to yourself, " 'Buffalo' is also the plural form, and is equivalent to 'buffaloes'." I know. buffaloes (Or is it buffalo) should just go ahead shoot themselves for creating such a huge mess.

Pretty mind blowing stuff. I am now completely convinced that English is worth committing suicide over.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Feast your eyes upon this lovely sight, people. Ten whole minutes was spent editing it on Photoshop. Yup. You heard me right. *Ten*. James is a dedicated and hard working boy who isn't afraid to put in a lot of time and effort! Right.

So the title of this compilation is Growth. Personal, musical, emotional betterment. As symbolized by the tree, which I now realize doesn't have many leaves. Not an entirely good sign. I found this recording studio place, which is really dirt cheap, and so I'd be recording the songs that I wanna put in this one in that studio.

And basically JMZ is my name. I hope you do know that. Seeing how you're on my blog.