Wednesday, May 6, 2009

And the top 3...

This year's American Idol delivers a threesome of three guys: Adam, Danny and Kris. Allison was 'shockingly' eliminated today, and so it leaves the 3 dudes to battle it out.

If I'm not mistaken, this would be the first time in Idol history that has a all male top 3. They're (the producers, duh) so obviously trying to cook up another 'first' in Idol. The first time there's a fourth judge (good call since Kara's amazing), the first time there's a top 36 (bad call cause it's really dreary), the first time there's a top 13 (bad call since Anoop sucks), the first time one of the contestants has a number that's actually a phone sex line (a really good call), the first time a contestant has been saved twice (complete waste of time since he only reached 5th), the first time Abdul performs (on today's show)... The list goes on. It can also be counted as the first season that Paula actually said anything useful, but that could be just because she's pressurized by the prescence of Kara.

I really really hope that Gokey would leave next, although I'm quite sure they would make Kris lose. But technically, Kris has been getting higher downloads and more airplay than Gokey, so if the producers are smart (they obviously arn't), Kris should get through and be the runner up instead of Gokey (Adam would definitely win).

They better not back the staircase into another AI employee today. Remember the staircase that Ryan just loves to strut down from? The one that can extend and retract like a randy pucker? Well on yesterday's show, it retracted too fast and caused the stage director to fall off and get seriously injured. She had to be rushed off to the hospital in a stretcher. Then Ryan came on to the stage and the stage disintegrated. As if that wasn't bad enough, one of the spinning globes hissed and exploded. It was like the set of Friday the 13th. Must be the ghost of Danny's wife coming back to warn him to stop singing about love to other women.

The final 3!

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