1. Where we are now - Nine of Swords
- Over-burdened by thoughts
- Feeling you have done something wrong
- Wishing 'if-only'
- Regretting the past
- Sleepless nights
- Obsessive sorrow
- Feeling vulnerable
Nines are about action. If you are in a difficult relationship, this card indicates you are finding it difficult to explain your true intentions or feelings because you are so wrapped up in your own problems. It can also suggest that you feel ashamed of your feelings or your behavior towards someone.
2. What is causing us a problem - Four of Wands
- Over-doing the merry-making at expense of something more important
- Denying the serious aspects of life for all the more laid-back possibilities
- Fear of moving on, making changes or looking at the truth of who you really are
- Compensation through sheer self-congratulation and non-stop socializing
The Four of Wands also indicates that you can now free yourself from any circumstances that don't suit you. Whether it is a relationship, job, self-doubt or fear, you can break free and open yourself to new possibilities or cut loose from self-imposed bonds. It is time to move into the next phase of personal growth and leave the past behind.
3. What we have forgotten to respect - Two of Wands
- Embracing new ideas
- Being inventive and different
However invigorated or empowered you feel right now, don't let that sense of omnipotence blind you to your true needs and intentions. The Two of Wands can also indicate that someone else is trying to exert power over you if you choose this card in a relationship spread.
4. What we need to express - Three of Wands
- Seeking new adventure
- Knowing what is going to happen next
- Starting on a new journey
You are too obsessed with what will happen next to see the truth of where you are now. The Three of Wands indicates that it is time to explore future possibilities with foresight and a sense of adventure. You must be prepared to pay the price for your quest by anticipating the obstacles on the way. You are asked to move courageously onwards but with foresight as your greatest gift right now.
5. Our options - Two of Swords
- Blind to the truth
- Denying your feelings
- Defensive attitude
- Ignoring the ruth
- Blocking out others
- Putting up barriers
- Being unwilling to make a choice
The Two of Swords suggests you are cut off not only from yourself, but from someone else. You are avoiding your feelings and won't accept the truth about a situation. And what you need to learn right now is to open up, drop the guard, let down the drawbridge and not fear the truth.
6. Where we will go from here - Seven of Cups
- An array of options open to you
- Illusions and fantasies are preventing you from moving on
It will soon be time to face those options, make your choice and commit yourself to those plans, rather than avoiding the challenge. In a relationship issue, take care that you do not over-estimate what someone else has to offer you. You might be overwhelmed by thoughts and choices, and not know where to turn. You might be literally fantasizing about your abilities or have grand illusions about love.
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